The generic prefix - 18 Wheels of Steel - could not stand the move to Europe. In the vastness of Texas, eighteen wheels are considered the norm, and in the Old World the scale is something smaller. And not only the name has “shrunken”. The vehicle fleet has undergone a sharp reduction: there are only four cars in it, and trailers, cargo and employers have decreased. By the way, vans, which account for a significant part of European cargo transportation, are not given to the player - solid tractors, as in America.
The essence of the game remains the same: taking a semi-trailer in one of the seventeen European cities, you need to deliver it to another, trying not to break it on the way. There is no time limit, and week-old rotten eggs are paid as fresh. Only the economic model has changed - at first, not all cargoes and destinations are available. A young German truck driver will have to drive many kilometers between Frankfurt, Berlin and Munich before he can choose whether to buy him the right to take something to France or prefer a license for “dangerous” transportation (gasoline, acid).
Therefore, in Euro Truck Simulator, small countries like Switzerland or the Netherlands are most convenient for the “headquarters” - then you will “get at the disposal” of the neighboring power for free and save. It is now more difficult to make money, because the hiring of drivers and the creation of a transport empire have been taken away from us again, slipping obscure “classes” instead. The aforementioned trucker starts his career as a green rookie, hoping to eventually become a real pro.