
 Smartmart, minimal web browser.

Min overview

Min is a smart, minimal web browser.


Find anything instantly: The search bar answers your questions immediately, with information from DuckDuckGo including Wikipedia entries, a calculator, and more. Jump to any site quickly with fuzzy search, and get suggestions before you even start typing. And when you create a bookmark, the full text of the page is saved and becomes searchable, so you’ll never lose anything again.

Effortless tab management: Tabs in Min open to the right of the current tab, so you’ll never lose your place. Tabs you haven’t looked at in a while dim, so you can focus on what you’re working on. And when you have lots of tabs, you can swipe down to expand your tabs into a grid, allowing you to quickly find any tab.

Built-in ad blocking: Min lets you decide whether you want to see ads or not. And when you’re using a slow or expensive internet connection, it lets you block scripts and images, so pages load faster and use fewer data.

Fast and efficient: Min is designed to be fast. It uses less battery power, so you don't have to worry about finding a charger.

Open-Source software: Min is written entirely with CSS and JavaScript, and is open-source software, available on GitHub.